Vivekananda Homeopathy Clinic & Psychological Counseling Center,

Vivekananda Homeopathy Clinic & Psychological Counseling Center,

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fibroid Uterus Homeopathy Specialty Treatment Clinic, Vealchery, Chennai, Tamil nadu, - பைப்ராய்ட் கட்டிகள் சிறப்பு ஓமியோபதி சிகிச்சை மையம், வேளச்சேரி, சென்னை, தமிழ் நாடு,

 Fibroid Uterus Homeopathy Specialty Treatment Clinic, Vealchery, Chennai, Tamil nadu, - பைப்ராய்ட் கட்டிகள் சிறப்பு ஓமியோபதி சிகிச்சை மையம், வேளச்சேரி, சென்னை, தமிழ் நாடு, Uterine Fibroids, Mass in Uterus,   பைப்ராய்ட் கட்டிகள், கருப்பை கட்டிகள், கர்பப்பை கட்டிகள்

Fibroids are benign growths or tumours on the muscular part of the uterus (the womb). They are not cancer.

Fibroids can be very small or bigger than a grapefruit. They can grow in various positions on the uterus. The symptoms a woman has will depend on the number, size and position of the fibroids.

Fibroids are more common in women who are overweight or in women who are having trouble becoming pregnant. Most fibroids are diagnosed when women are between 30 and 40 years of age. They are often found when a woman is being examined during pregnancy or when having a cervical smear.

Causes of fibroids
  • It is not known what causes fibroids.
  • Fibroids are more likely to grow when there are high levels of oestrogen in the body.
  • This explains why fibroids tend to grow during pregnancy when oestrogen levels increase and why they reduce in size at menopause when oestrogen levels fall.
  • There is some evidence that women are more likely to have fibroids if other women in the family have had them.

Symptoms of fibroids
Many women do not know they have fibroids as they have no symptoms.
Others can have symptoms which include:
  • Heavy or irregular bleeding. The heavy loss of blood can lead to tiredness and anaemia (low iron levels).
  • Painful periods.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis or back. Fibroids can cause pain by pressing on internal organs or by being connected to other organs by scar tissue.
  • Passing urine more frequently or having difficulty having a bowel motion. Fibroids can press on the bladder or bowel causing women to pass urine more frequently or to have difficulty in passing a bowel motion. Sometimes the pressure can be uncomfortable or painful.
  • Swelling in the lower abdomen. This can happen when fibroids are large.

Treatment fibroids
There are various ways of treating fibroids. The method used will depend on the number and type of fibroids a woman has, and her symptoms. It will also depend on her age and, where possible, what treatment she prefers. Fibroids can be treated with the use of medicines.

Homeopathy treatment for fibroid
Treating problem fibroids with Symptomatic Homeo medicines can reduce the need to have an operation. However Homeo medicine treatments have been shown to help women with fibroids in the long term.

Whom to contact for Treatment
Dr.Senthil Kumar Treats many cases of all types of      In his medical professional experience with successful results. Many patients get relief after taking treatment from Dr.Senthil Kumar.  Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai at Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to,

For more details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers at
Chennai:- 9786901830
Pondicherry:- 9865212055
Panruti:- 9443054168
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us

For appointment: SMS your Name -Age – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word - date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini – 30 - 99xxxxxxx0 – Uterine Fibroids, Mass in Uterus,   பைப்ராய்ட் கட்டிகள், கருப்பை கட்டிகள், கர்பப்பை கட்டிகள், – 21st Oct, Sunday - Chennai ), You will receive Appointment details through SMS


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